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Greetings Members of the Edgecombe-Nash Retired School Personnel,


Although this is an unprecedented, challenging time, the officers and committee chairmen of this local unit continue to strive to accomplish their mission and goals.  Focusing on the goals-Communication, Consistency, and Collaboration, the Executive Board is working diligently to conduct meetings, to inform members of pertinent issues and concerns, to connect with members, and to increase membership.


Because of the Pandemic, the Executive Board Meetings and the Monthly Members Meetings are held monthly using the Zoom Platform at 10:30 A. M.  Members can join the meetings by dialing in with their telephones or by using their computers, laptops, or iPads.  I encourage members to participate in the Members Meetings to stay abreast of local, region, and state information.  Also, during the Members Meetings, presenters are invited to speak on various topics, officers and committee chairmen provide reports on their projects and activities, and social activities are conducted to fellowship.


To communicate with members, the Calling Post sends messages, cards are sent, and the website provides information.  A Calendar of Programs and Activities is provided to members to identify the program topics, presenters, projects, Quality of Life issues, fundraising projects, and social activities for each month.  Also, members are recognized for their achievements.


   2021 Goals are as follows:

  1. Increase attendance and participation at the Monthly Members.  

  2. Develop a handbook to include the duties and responsibilities of officers and committee chairmen.

  3. Retain, Reclaim, and Recruit members.

  4. Communicate, be Consistent, and Collaborate.

  5. Publicize the activities of this local unit.


This year,

Live in the Moment.

Start each day with Gratitude.  Laugh More.  Meditate.  Focus on the Positive. 

Believe it all will fall into Place.  Stick to your Goals. Be Generous.  Choose Happy.



Nell Burwell, President





Mission Statement

To be the premier local unit for retired education personnel, acting to enhance retirement and health care benefits, and to serve the community and its educational needs.



Recruit new members, retain current members, engage members in community activities, and achieve the goals of the State Office and the Local Unit.



Implement the Three C's - Consistency, Communication, and Collaboration.


              Local Unit Strategic GOALS

Membership, Growth, and Development

  • Increase membership by 20%.

  • Retain 90% of membership from the previous year.

  • Demonstrate participation in Region, State, and National Conferences and Conventions.

  • Create and maintain active and engaged committees. 

Financial Accountability/Stability

  • Prepare budget and designate funds and expenditures to implement goals and operate 

      organization efficiently.

  • Complete local and state audit requirements.

Legislative Involvement

  • Plan and implement local legislative programs and activities.

Community Service

  • Develop and implement group projects to create visibility in the communities and

       support local school systems.

  • Achieve at least 50% of membership reporting volunteer hours.

  • Encourage and report a minimum of 25% of all hours in educational activities.

Effective Communication

  • Establish regular, meaningful, and effective communications with members.

  • Maintain rapport with local superintendents and boards of education.

  • Publish local newsletters and use NCRSP logos.

  • Submit news articles and information for publication in region and state newsletters.

  • Create a local web page.

Leadership Training and Development

  • Promote and participate in training sessions at the local, region, state, and national levels.

  • Fund at least 25% of the allotted officers to attend leadership training in the summer at the

       state or national levels.

  • Recruit and train new leaders to be effective at the local/ state levels.

Programmatic Involvement- Gold Star Awards

  • Develop and promote programs that will bring growth, success, and local recognition for

       participation in the NCRSP Gold Star Awards Program.





President                                                      Nell Burwell


Vice President                                  Charlotte Holloway


Secretary                                                       Evelyn Hart


Assistant Secretary                                    Mary Hinton


Treasurer                                                               Vacant


Assistant Treasurer                                 Alice Freeman


Parliamentarian                                         Kay Thomas


Chaplain                                                 Donald Thomas


Historian                                                               Vacant






Committee Chairmen


Membership                                           Mary H. Williams

Memorials                                                    Deborah Battle

Quality of Life                                             Christine Horne

Community Service                                  Venesia Rushing

Publication                                                       Doris Cooper

Communications/Media                             Felecher White

Scholarship                                                        Jessie Jones

Elections                                                            Rosa Brodie 

Legislative                                            Catherine Blackwell

Special Events/Awards                           Ernestine Belfield

Hospitality                                                      Elaine Cherry

Member Projects                                                        Vacant

Budget/Finance                                                          Vacant

Audit                                                        Gwendolyn Wigen

Fundraising                                                   Alice Freeman

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